Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Joe Turner's Come and Gone

Subject: The article that I decided to read was "The Good Christian's Come and Gone: The Shifting Role of Christianity in August Wilson Play." This article in short was about how all the characters in all of August Wilson's plays contained a male character that shunned and ran away from religion and Christianity. The reason the aurthor of this article gives for their denile of religion and Chrisitianity range from replacing it because it is a "white man's god" to if God is what all that people say he is, then why did slavery even exist? In the section where the aurthor talks about Joe Turne's Come and Gone, she talks about how Herald turns his back on Christianity because he feels like God should have helped him out of the hands of Joe Turner because he was doing God's will when he got caught. She goes on to say that Herald slashes him self which is the ultimate denile of the Christian sacrifce. I agree with her thoughts on this. However she goes on to say that he does not stay because he is in search of his African heritage, I don't totally agree with this. I interpeted it as he is in search of also something to believe in that is tangible. She does also bring out another point that I like, the point where Herald pays the people finder, which is similar to offering up a prayer. Overall this was a good article and there was not much that I did not agree with.



At 9:58 AM, Blogger Mike said...

I like your analysis of Loomis in the end. I too believe that he is leaving in search of something concrete that he can believe in. Of course, maybe by this point he's not really in search of anything. Perhaps, after his ceremonious self-mutilation, Loomis is simply ready to leave all that he has known behind and set out as his own "god." Maybe he's not really searching for anything anymore now that he's found his song?


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