Talley's Folly Review
In making observations for my review of Talley’s Folly, I looked at the work of the actors, looking particularly for the amount of thought that they put into creating their characters. There were only two characters that appeared for the play Matt Friedman, played by Michael Brahce and Sally Talley, played by Averie Bell. Michael used an inside-out approach to create an accent that kept me interested in the play. It was very creative and convincing. What was more impressive was that he had to maintain the accent for nearly two hours! Averie didn’t have to change anything about her, except she did have to show emotions. I didn’t think that she was very convincing playing her role. I thought that she could have been less of a bia and smiled more. Overall, I think the play showed that love conquers all, since Matt saw past Sally’s shortcomings and vise-versa.
What was it specifically that made you think that Michael was using an inside-out approach to portray the character of Matt? I agree with your assessment that Averie's character would have been much more accessible to the audience if she would have put her anger aside even temporarily at a few points during the play. And while I agree that Michael had a much harder accent to work with I do think that Averie had a slight accent to maintain through the pay and that she did so well.
I agree that in Talley's Folly the character Matt was played in a more convincing manner and that Sally Talley appeared to be one-dimensional. I think that the play was an oversimplification of an everyday argument. Instead of having one person mad the entire conversation and not showing a movement towards compromise, I think the play should have allowed for Matt and Sally to display an even greater give and take relationship. Finally, can you define clearer what you mean as an inside-out approach to the creation of Matt.
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