Amphitryon Rehearsal - April 18, 2006
Observation (Pre-Rehearsal):
- Additions to the set
- Railing is added to the balcony, black paint, iron-work, blocking still taped on the floor
- Actors show up much earlier (6:30) to work on lines
- they read, some with emotions and some just reading the words.
- There is much more tension in the air in reference to the lines
- Some actors read with script and some from memory
- First Ten minutes the actors are instructed to work with a partner over their lines
- Director asks for my suggestions as they practice (VERY COOL)
- Many different things going on
- lines, dancing, etc
- Characters use the masks for the first time.
- no paint, first fitting
- Director punches holes for nose
- Director takes the whole group to the bathroom to have them look in the mirror at the masks
- play "YES" game in masks
- "Start from the top"
- Calls, "HOLD" when he wants to introduce a comment/direction
- Director seems to make very precise notes in a journal
- Sosia makes a lot of adlibbed comments (not so funny)
- Director makes small changes throughout
- The actors tend to stay in character even when they are talking out of scene
- Goes over his notes from the performance
- Demonstrates the importance of "full-out" performance
- looking directly at the audience
- importance of using diaphram instead of chest
- "Need to pick up ques" less long silences
- Lets the group know that the last time to give music to be used in the performance is that night
- Q/A for actors...
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