Amphitryon Rehearsal - April 13, 2006
Observations (Pre-Rehearsal):
- More details on the set
- Ladder, spiral staircase, walls, balcony floor
- actors inspect the set for growth
- actors discuss their ideas about the set
- Director's assistant sweeps the stage
- Blocking still taped out
- Actors test the set
- walking on the balcony, stairs, ladder
- Physical warm-up
- Circle up, stretch legs, practice character "walk" in place, different poses to stretch legs, practice extentions, "YES" games
- Director review notes from the previous rehearsal (suggestions, etc)
- SECOND NIGHT OFF-BOOK (Without script)
- Director PCP - Praise Correct Praise
- Director - "Start from the top"
- Actors start the play, asking for "line" when they forgot their lines
- The director makes minor changes while rehearsal goes. (Adlibing)
- Director listens to scenes and starts to play music during certain scenes (seems like playing)
- Assitant Director gives lines, blockings, corrections, etc.
- Director laughs at jokes and sometimes mistakes
- STRONG problems with actor playing Sosia
- Lines, blocking, giving lines to the ground
- Director begins to get frustrated and tells actors to consult stage manager to get correct blocking.
- Moves to a different scene
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