Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Trilogy of Medieval Women was an incredibly difficult play to watch. When I arrived at the theater I was not aware that there was s seating section available with headphones for English translations. By the time I was made aware the section was full so I had to endure the performance in Spanish. This was incredibly difficult for me since I have no formal schooling in Spanish. The ONLY information that I was able to gather from the play was what was provided in the English program and knowing when the characters moved from one story to another because of the costume changes and movement across the stage. This is not a play that should be seen by non-Spanish speakers without the aid of translation. The nature of the play is such that you must be able to understand the dialogue.


At 8:41 PM, Blogger Mike said...

It seems that a play such as this is a good experience for a class such as ours. As almost everyone else has mentioned in their blogs, it was an exercise in looking at the play as opposed to through it. I personally felt that Antonia Bueno had incredible stage presence. Through her tone, inflection, and body language, she was able to hold my attention for a lot of the play despite the language barrier. After I watched it I found out that she was a very accomplished actress yet I was already able to infer this from the way that she held herself on the stage. Maybe for the next play, you can try to focus not as much on what's being said, but instead on how it's being said.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Jon Greer said...

I agree that someone who is not fluent in Spanish can become very frustrated with this performance. Also, I too wish that I knew prior to the performance that there would be an English translation section to sit in because I would have showed up an hour early. The only thing I got from this play was to look at the characters and actions and how they carried themselves. Yet, seeing how my observations were out of context with the characters dialogue I have no idea about what I deduced from my observations is correct.


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