We were asked to consider the difference between realism and realistic. Realism is an art form that is commonly used in both theater and in film today. Realism is a form that constructs all the trappings of a realistic situation to the point where the audience does not realize that the action that they are watching happens to be totally unrealistic. This is because audiences do not want to watch a depiction of everyday life. They want to see an extreme version of reality, but not so extreme that they can not picture themselves or someone that they know as a part of it. Realistic is simply a description of one particular aspect of a work of art. This is when a character buttons their coat before walking "outside" to protect themselves against the cold. It is irrelevant that the character is simply walking through a door to another part of the stage. Buttoning a coat is something that he or she would do in a "real" situation and so they do it on stage. A technique that is employed by directors in order to achieve this realism is melodrama. A director will use music to supplement the action in order to heighten the audiences experience. The music often tells an audience exactly what to expect. "The Sandlot" provides many examples of this. In one scene Benny, a primary character, laces up his new PF Flyers before jumping over a fence to retrieve a baseball signed by Babe Ruth. To get it back he must conquer The Beast, "giant gorilla dog thing". The building music in the background lets the viewer know that they are coming to the climax of the movie and that there will be a serious fight between Benny and The Beast.
THEA 111: Intro to Theatre
A discussion of terms, issues and ideas relating to the definition of theatre, its distinction from other theatrical forms, and the art of perceiving, interpreting, and responding to theatre and performance texts.
I thought it was really interesting that you chose to write about The Sandlot. It would not be one of the first movies I would think of when the word “melodrama” came up. However, I agree with you, that the scene where Benny retrieves the baseball is highly melodramatic. If I remember correctly, that movie starts out with one of the characters narrating the story as if it actually happened to him, some time in the past. This introduction and ending to the movie, draws the audience in and makes them feel like they are watching a realistic story about kids playing baseball. Then it adds in the more melodramatic moments with music, and slow motion.
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