Much More Intricate (Reed E.)
When I was asked what theatre was previously I responded, a performance given before a live audience meant to entertain. But this question gets much intricate when you think about what entertainment is. Some people may go to the theatre to escape their real lives to a world with happy endings and clear resolutions. Miss A in the Shawl, although she was not attending a performance (or maybe she was without knowing it), was seeking a clear resolution to her problem. Other people may go to a theatre to be intellectually challenged, or to gain a different state of conciousness. Going to a certain place, or hearing a certain song can bring back memories or evoke a wide range of feelings and emotions in a person. Theatre can have the same effect. The things a person sees in theatre may not be real, but the emotions and feelings that person gets are. A person may see or hear the ideas that they need at that time, whether these ideas are true or not. What Miss A heard was not true, but it had exactly the effect that she was looking for. Theatre can mean something different to everyone.
Written by Reed E. - February 13, 2007
Posted by Kirk Andrew Everist
Do you think those feelings are real or misguided by what they have seen? Or do you think that maybe they were emotions that one didn’t realize they had until something sparked them to emerge? I do agree that going to the theatre can sometimes spark some sort of a memory and make something real. It can have initiated some sort of a “catharsis” that can either be liberating or straining. Do you think there are some uniform threads that connect all types of theatre and the experience that people have with them is depends on the individual?
I agree with you 100 percent on the fact that theatre, and other modes of entertainment, bring up old memories and emotions. I also agree that they can spark new emotions. How this happens is different in every case. Whether it be seeing something you've never seen before, or hearing something your've never heard before. Both of these are interesting concepts that I am anxious to see if they are true this semester.
I agree that theatre can mean something different to everyone…be it an escape or for entertainment. Theatre can fulfill every need people have when going to the theatre. Escape is needed in a busy world filled with stress. Stepping into another’s shoes for a couple of hours can be extremely comforting, especially when it’s a happy situation. I’m really happy that you decided to change your mind from your previous post. Theater does have a much more broad definition than your original meditation stated. And your statement about emotions being real even though the situation is not is a great choice of words. This was a very convincing meditation.
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