Sexual desires
I am very impressed with the performance of all five actors in One Flea Spare.
Sexual desire is indeed one of the plays main themes and each actor was able to deliver distinctiveness to their characters sexuality. Therefore, I would like to touch upon some of the aspects of the play that seemed interesting to me in regards to sexuality. For example, the actor playing the role of Kabe was very effective in presenting a grotesque character obsessed with child pornography. The scene when Kabe is licking Morse’s foot is a perfect example of Kabe’s nature and perverted mind.
Something I noticed through out the play was that the upper class Snelgraves seemed more afraid to express their sexuality than the lower class characters. For example, William and Darcy Snelgrave both ask Bunce to talk about his sexual desires and experiences. On the other hand we really never know the Snelgraves personal sexual cravings. We know William does not touch his wife and that he does not fulfill her desires but we never really know what it is they really want. The Snelgraves just seemed quieter about their sexual needs. Maybe this is due to the time period where possibly the rich felt obligated to keep their sexual aspirations to themselves to portray a more educated status.
A scene that stuck with me is when Darcy Snelgrave is feeling Bunce’s wound and she sticks her finger deep inside the cut. I believe Darcy was the character that needed her sexual desires to be satisfied the most but in this scene we see that Darcy and Bunce switch gender roles in the sense that it is she who was inside him rather than him inside her. Therefore, I believe her sexual needs were not satisfied and it was Bunce who was gratified. What do you think?
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