Monday, November 14, 2005

Belated Post

Subject: I know this is late, but I thought I should get it out here.

I had mixed feelings about Fires in the Mirror. On one hand, she annoyed me with small actions, like her accent and facial expressions. On the other hand, I thought she did an excellent job with playing as many people as she did. The play, as a film, was interesting and educational for me.

I was very impressed with the way that she switched characters. To be able to do that is such a great talent that I can’t even imagine doing live. The information provided in the show really opened my eyes. I had no idea that there was such animosity between the Jews and Blacks.

I was also very preoccupied with the characters that she portrayed. I knew that they were real people and real interviews, but the whole time I was wondering how accurate she was with her depictions. I found myself not really concentrating on what she was saying, but rather trying to tune out her accents and wondering if the real people that she was playing were actually that way. For example, when she was playing the Islamic priest, I was wondering the whole time whether or not the real man plays with his cufflinks and has a sideways half-smile when he talks.

Other than just small annoyances, I thought that it was a very interesting production and I enjoyed watching it very much.


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